Hire car damage inventory
One of the most important procedures for your peace of mind (and for your wallet ) is identifying any damage that the hire vehicle you are picking up has sustained prior to you taking it out of the hire depot.
Every car hire in the UK has a system which generally involves the identification of marks sustained on the car, van or truck hired that you are required to check and agree as accurate before you take possession of the vehicle.
Vans and trucks by the very nature of their use inevitably sustain damage which does not affect their functionality nor compromise safety standards.
They are more rugged and often have extra "armour" strategically placed to reinforce key wear and tear and "contact" areas that tend to suffer in the high usage typical of the building and logistics trades and seem to be able sustain knocks and shunts without any visible damage.

Cars are a different story, have a greater perceived cosmetic value, can be dented in the supermarket carpark, have no real protection apart perhaps from some door trim and can sustain damage to those oh, so expensive alloy wheels just by parking too close to the curb.
We offer insurance options to reduce the financial risk if the vehicle sustains damage whilst on hire to you. This protects you, the hirer and us from sustaining repair bills and the impact of a vehicle being taken out of service, reducing our fleet availability to the customer.
Notts Vehicle Hire policy and mission is to operate absolute transparency in respect of identifying and listing damage done to vehicles prior to you collecting the vehicle.

However, we absolutely encourage you to take photographs of the vehicle at point of hire for your own peace of mind.
Try and plan your arrival at the vehicle hire depot so that you can take the time to review the vehicle to your satisfaction.

So that in the unfortunate aftermath of that unreported runaway shopping trolley that occurred whilst you were checking the firmness of the aubergines on aisle 13, you will at the very least, have the clarity of mind that it was not sustained prior to your hire.
Take photographs for your peace of mind and video and if you can date stamp them, then do so. If you see an anomaly in contrast with the vehicle "damage inventory" then flag it up at the time and get the inventory amended.